[Translate to Englisch:] Sekt und Kräuter auf Schloss Wackerbarth
[Translate to Englisch:]

Sparkling Wine & Herbs only available in German

‘Do something good for your body so that your soul can live in it’, Hildegard von Bingen already knew. And so the famous abbess and polymath not only praised the special effect of grape juice on body and soul. She was also intensively involved with wild herbs.

To this day, wild herbs can not only heal, but also lend a very special flavour to exquisite dishes. Some even refer to them as superfoods from the wayside. Together with a regional herb expert, we will explore the flavourful world of wild herbs with you. Enjoy an exquisite menu, flavoured with seasonal wild herbs and rounded off with tingling delicacies from our manufactory.